Selasa, 09 Juni 2020

2020 (Part 1)

Did you ever thing that pandemi happened this year? in 2020?
Something that you never imagine before.
I just wanna realised that its really happened in our life.
Something that never denied, delayed, or canceled.

In early year, I get my conversation with someone. Whats your plan in 2020?
I answered clearly I hope I get married this year.
I hope I get new place.

That is example of Hope in 2020.
Just Example hehehe.

Lets say with Indonesian Language.

Its been one year, I write this blog.

Banyak hal yang gak pernah kita bayangkan sebelumnya dan semuanya terjadi tahun ini.
Kadang kita bertanya kenapa harus saya? kenapa harus sekarang?
Hanya ada satu jawaban yang dapat mewakili yaitu
"Its God Plan"
Its so classic si menurutku. Sometimes We say it just to say to my life thats everything gonna be okay, but We realised that its not okay.
Kyak semacam spell.

But we dont have a good answer than that answer.
So we have to accept it.

Terima ga Terima semua harus dijalani.
Hidup Harus Berjalan.
Begitu juga hidupmu.
Yang kadang ga selalu berjalan sesuai rencanamu.
Selalu bilang ke diri sendiri "You Can Trough It, No Matter How"
Kadang kita perlu pura-pura bisa agar jadi bisa.

Good Night.
Living Room.

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